Last week, we hosted our first Cider Culture happy hour via Zoom and it was awesome! What a good feeling to see peoples’ faces, make some new friends, and chat with the cider makers whose products we love so much!

Laptop view of our Zoom Happy Hour with Ben Wenk of Ploughman Cider
We’re going to try to make it a weekly gathering, every Friday at 5 p.m. ET. This week, on Friday, March 27, we’re thrilled to co-host with Andrew Blake of Blake’s Hard Cider, a Michigan-based craft cidery started by Andrew (a third-generation apple farmer) in his garage while in college at Michigan State. Blake’s Hard Cider is now available in 18 states and expanding all the time! Blake’s is a leader in the cider community in terms of philanthropy and giving back through its Kinder Cider Series. During the COVID-19 health crisis, they’ve been supporting the local community (a rural crescent area just 45 miles north of downtown Detroit) by collecting donations for medical professionals, and by providing free lunches to any child under 18 who may need one. Amazing, right?
Come hang out with Andrew and other cider friends on Friday, 3/27! Here’s how it works:
- We’re hosting the happy hour through Zoom, a popular video conferencing website.
- You don’t need to sign up with Zoom to join us, but you DO need to download its app to your phone or computer. It’s free and easy to do.
- Grab a cider from the fridge to crack open starting at 5 p.m. ET and cheers with us! If you’re up to it, we can chat a little bit about what we’re drinking. Andrew can also take a few questions.
- That’s it! The happy hour will be one hour max, and you’re welcome to drop in any time between 5 and 6 p.m. ET.
- Tell your friends! All are welcome!!
The meeting info is as follows:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 281 546 494
Password: 881024
In the meantime, learn a bit more about Blake’s Hard Cider through this fun video:
Hope to see you on Friday, cider fam!
- Feature photo and video: Blake's Hard Cider