Are you ready for another round of Cider School? Class is *almost* in session! This week, on Thursday, April 16, at 6 p.m. ET, we welcome Daniel Pucci, a New York-based cider writer (he’s written for Cider Culture in the past!), and one of the nation’s leading cider experts. He was the founding beverage director at Wassail, New York City’s first cider bar/restaurant, and has since traveled the country conducting interviews, writing, and presenting in the continued pursuit of cider education, awareness, and research. As a co-founder of Wallabout Hospitality, he currently works as an independent beverage consultant.

Dan Pucci at CiderCon 2018
For this session of Cider School, Dan will be discussing single- and dual-variety ciders! He’ll dig into his cellar and bring out a few bottles from around the country that are all made from one or two apples. He’ll guide us through a discussion of what these apples taste like, and how they work in blends.
- Cider School: Single- and Dual-Variety Ciders
- Hosted by: Daniel Pucci
- Date & Time: Thursday, April 16, 2020, at 6 p.m. ET
- Zoom Meeting URL:
- Meeting ID: 626 052 787
- Password: 2PAveK
- No need to RSVP, just follow the link and show up!
- Welcome to: Everyone! People with all levels of cider knowledge and enthusiasm are encouraged to join.
See you at school!
- Photos: Cider Culture