**Find a video recording of Troy’s class here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/vOlUArvi6GxLfKfv62Hff-0GF4vHX6a8gCRIq_ENyE-R_qSiGIEa_xKbsfrLqIG_
We’re back with another session of Cider School to keep your brain engaged and your taste buds happy. Yes, this is one kind of school where you are encouraged to drink while class is in session!

Troy Lehman
This Thursday, April 30, at 6 p.m. Eastern Time, we welcome Troy Lehman of Big Hill Ciderworks to talk about growing heirloom apple trees. Big Hill is located in Adams County, PA (close to Gettysburg), an area known for its history and beauty, and also for its unique microclimates and soil types that are perfect for growing apples. Big Hill’s two small farms total roughly 40 acres of apple production, and these orchards are home to more than 40 varieties, comprised of traditional bittersweet and bittersharp varieties chosen specifically to make the cidery’s award-winning ciders. Troy, who has been making wine and cider since 2002, is a self-taught farmer, orchardist and cider maker. He is committed to utilizing traditional, time-honored cider-making methods of slow fermentation, barrel aging and wild yeast fermentation.
In this session of Cider Culture’s Cider School, Troy will discuss the basics of growing heirloom apple trees, including answering questions such as: Why grow heirloom trees? What are their varietal characteristics and tendencies? What are the differences in terroir and terroir’s effects on production? Like all of our Cider School classes, this is open to consumers and makers alike, no matter your level of experience! Come join us for another casual, fun, interactive hour of learning!
Cider School #5: Heirloom Apple Trees 101 with Troy Lehman of Big Hill Ciderworks (Thurs., April 30, 6 p.m. ET)
Zoom Meeting URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81642257881?pwd=cVNrWjRBcFd2UXNZdC9QNHg1ZEUwdz09
Meeting ID: 816 4225 7881
Password: 319543
See you there!
- Feature photo: Big Hill Ciderworks
- Troy photo: Alexandra Whitney