Our next session of Cider School is all about the barrel!
Led by Corrie Wolosin of Virtue Cider, “Barrels 101” will cover some basics of barrel-aging cider, with topics like:
- How to pick barrels for aging
- How best to get the cider in and out
- How barrels makes ciders even more special
- Specifically how Virtue incorporates barrel-aging
- Trends, fun facts, and barrel-aging innovation in cider.
Bring an open mind, any questions you might have on your mind, and a barrel-aged cider to sip to feed your mind! If you want to brush up before the class, here’s a quick video from Virtue for some inspiration:
A little bit about Corrie Wolosin: She is a 14-year veteran of the cider industry who has been at Virtue Cider for three years in different geographies – from the home market in Michigan, to the Seattle area, and then back to Michigan again! Her cider passion began at Poverty Lane Orchards and Farnum Hill Ciders, where she helped build the Farnum Hill brand and assisted with the formation of the United States Association of Cider Makers (now the American Cider Association). Corrie has a passion for orchard-based, dry ciders, roller derby and exercise!

Corrie Wolosin
Come to our second Cider School class to meet and learn from Corrie!
- Cider School: Barrels 101
- Hosted by: Corrie Wolosin of Virtue Cider
- Date & Time: Thursday, April 9, 2020, at 6 p.m. ET
- Zoom Meeting URL: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/447470928?pwd=MmljOTNROW5rWTFONWtQdVJkR2dCdz09
- Meeting ID: 447 470 928
- Password: 579611
- No need to RSVP, just follow the link and show up!
- Welcome to: Everyone! People with all levels of cider knowledge and enthusiasm are encouraged to join.
See you at school!
- Feature photo and video: Virtue Cider