Cider News

Cider Summit Portland Celebrates its 10th Anniversary—Social-Distance-Style—with Festival To-Go Tasting Kit

Cider School #9: The History of Apple Culture in the US with Gidon Coll of Original Sin Cider (Thurs., May 28, at 6 p.m. ET)

Cider School #8: Home Cider Making Advice & Tips with William Grote of New Salem Cider (Thurs., May 21, at 6 p.m. ET)

Cider School #7: Pét-Nat Cider 101 with Lyndon Smith of Botanist and Barrel (Thurs., May 14, at 6 p.m. ET)

Cider Culture Virtual Happy Hour #8: Co-Hosted with Peter Gillitzer of Milk & Honey Ciders (Friday, May 8, 5 p.m. ET)