Who Took Home GLINTCAP Awards? We’ve Got the Master List

GLINTCAP (Great Lakes International Cider and Perry Competition), a bit like the Golden Globes of the cider world, took place between May 15 and 18, 2019, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The entries, which are numerous, are judged using “blind” panels, meaning each entry was identified by a randomly-assigned registration number, and judges are only shown the number, as well as other pertinent info about the entry, like style, level of carbonation, level of sweetness and any special ingredients or processes used in production.

The panel of judges included many cider makers, such as Mattie Beason of Stem Ciders, Seth Boeve of Virtue Cider and Brian Dressler of Dressler Estate. Other leaders from the cider community, such as blogger and frequent Cider Culture contributor Meredith Collins and Marlena Dolegowski from the University of Guelph in Ontario, judged as well.

This year, there were 1,585 entries (1,218 commercial and 367 non-commercial), with a total of 1,331 medals awarded.


The list of Best in Class awards is very, very long (you can see the whole thing here), but here are some highlights from the commercial entries:

Traditional Cider, Dry

Heritage Cider, Dry

Modern Cider, Dry

Ice Cider

Rosé Cider

Specialty Cider and Perry

  • 1st Place: Coffin Ridge Boutique Winery, Maple Rosemary Cider
  • 2nd Place: Tieton Cider Works, Lavender Honey (Washington State)
  • 3rd Place: Salt Spring Wild Cider, Bitter Orange Rosemary


Wood Aged Cider

Spiced Cider

Hopped Cider

Natural Cider

Congrats to all of this year’s GLINTCAP medalists!

  • Photo: GLINTCAP